When We Were Young: Project Blog Restart

(If you're redirected from pinakamaganda.net, don't wonder. This is still me. :D Welcome to my new domain!)

I often find myself repeatedly listening to Adele's 25 album since it came out last November. There was a moment in the When We Were Young song when I suddenly looked back and "counted" my travel photos with Chee (must be the "photograph" part).

And then, the Project "Blog Restart" kicked off. It has already been in my plans anyway... I just didn't have the time (or the inspiration) to execute.

I've been blogging since 2005ish. I revisited my old blogs and sites and I cringed (and probably puked) at how I was writing when I was young-er. Aside from the "stuffs"* and some grammatical errors, I was a total drama queen with lots of insecurities in life. Ugh!!

Anyway, now that I'm in the execution of this project... Here's what I gotta do:

Disable Old Website(s)

Because my old self is so pampam online, I shut it down and dump it to the trash. www.pinakamaganda.net is now in forever "Under Construction" mode.

New Wordpress - Theme Setup

After setting up my wordpress, I now have to select a theme. My taste for Web Design has extremely switched from glamour to simplistic/minimalist. This theme (Sassa Fras) that I'm using is not in the Wordpress theme library (can't search it). Thankfully, my old domain is using this same theme which I really wanted. I downloaded the latest one and install. The theme is simple, minimalistic and most important of it all, responsive.

I thought about "child-theming" the Omega theme but my timeline can't afford the efforts on the CSS tinkering and some templating work. The Customized Theme Setup is back to the backlog.

Content Migration - NOT!

And now that my wordpress and the theme are all ready for content, all I gotta do is to migrate my content from my previous blogs. It's very easy to migrate content but I chose not to do automatic import because I want to review everything first! I don't want my past self be carried over to the new blog.


Mark all the photos to feature and place in my local folder. Filter / adjust the photos.

Content Review and Posting

And here's where the "hardwork" starts. This work stream simply goes through all my blog notes, private entries from the old site and one-by-one execute "+New" each of them to the new site (while editing on the fly).

The content review and posting will have three phases, each having different release dates:

  1. "American Revolution" - moving to America and traveling around it
  2. The Amazing World of Japan - My Japan adventures when I worked there
  3. It's more fun in the Philippines - everything else

Letting Go of the Old Domain

Later when everything's done, Sell pinakamaganda.net..

*On the "stuffs" part - please don't blame my English Teachers in High School - they're the best in the world. I wasn't just paying attention. Sometimes you need a slapping batman to correct you :)


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