A Night with Adele

Last Saturday, we went to the much awaited concert of the year - A Night with Adele.

And I just can't contain this anymore... IT'S THE BEST FREAKIN' SHOW EVER!!!

But well, this is according to my Chasing Divas series (so don't argue with me :D ). Sorry Mariah, I love you, but Adele's is just so real and we enjoyed the vocals so much! Beyonce, I love you too... But I didn't like the On The Run Tour's "pa-deep" production. And if I really had good seats during P!nk, she and Adele could have been neck and neck at the top :D

Anyway, back to Adele.

(been doing a lot of cleanup lately so I'll update with pictures and videos later)

She is just so casual and funny and real! It's like, we're just hanging out and talking about life and all. Okey, let me give you some of her spiels and my highlights...

Somewhere at the first part, after singing her "welcome" song, Hello and then Hometown Glory, she welcomed us with >>

Are you ready to have a good time with me tonight? <Audience in unison says "yes" of course>... Well I'm afraid to break it to you but you're at the wrong place for a good time. This show is 2 hours of <in low voice> MISERY! Two hours of songs about me and my ex boyfriends! That is what you got yourselves into tonight. Are you with me?? <Halakhak>

"One of the reasons I talk so much, is that I get very very nervous. I know I might look professional right now, ...but inside I'm dying and shaking myself"

Send my love
I wish I caught this on video - Right on the first line, she forgot her lyrics and blurted a lot of fucking fucking forgot my lyrics and asked the band to repeat from the beginning! And they really did, the background view/production also restarted. That was a cool thing to hear and witness :D

About 21 and Someone Like You
Wow the way she talked about the history of this song, when first "presented" for the arrangement and they all felt it and cried...

This album is really something that says Shit got Real... Let's sing all you 15000 desperados together, all right?

Set Fire to The Rain
Also one of my faves from 21, it's amazing what they did here. They put Adele on that same square box and then put on some fake rain around her. It's so cool!

Sweetest Devotion
This song is so <inspiring>, especially when you hear how it came about. Sweetest Devotion is a song that came after her son was born. It is just so happy and joyful (redundant eh), very different with her past songs. And the vocal power was really demonstrated there! Especially at the Chorus.

Felt so special coz she's not really doing any tours or stuff like that. This is her first tour! And she even asked for some understanding that she'll be in hiatus after this... like maybe write songs again while on hiatus :D


My Blog Restart/Makeover/Whatever Progress


Makeup Artistry w/ Pure Glam Academy